
SnowCrash Mission: Flag01

Objective: Retrieve the Level02 token to advance further in the SnowCrash challenge.

Unlocking the Secrets

As we venture deeper into the labyrinth of SnowCrash, we find ourselves in the home folder of level01. A cursory examination reveals that the folder is empty—devoid of clues or secrets. Undeterred, we decide to cast our net wider and explore the /etc/passwd file, hoping to uncover a hidden gem:

level01@SnowCrash:~$ cat /etc/passwd

Our quest reveals a cryptic entry among the sea of text:


Decrypting the Hash

With the discovery of this mysterious string, we embark on a journey to decrypt it. Our first step is to save the hash into a file:

level01@SnowCrash:~$ echo "42hDRfypTqqnw" > hash.txt

Next, we employ the formidable John the Ripper to decipher the enigmatic code:

level01@SnowCrash:~$ john hash

After John's relentless efforts, the hash yields its secret:


Claiming the Flag

Our efforts have not been in vain. With the decrypted code in hand, we now stand at the threshold of victory. We seize this opportunity to capture the Level02 token:

flag01@SnowCrash:~$ getflag

The command yields the sought-after prize:

Check flag. Here is your token: f2av5il02puano7naaf6adaaf

With the Level02 token secured, we take another step forward.