Welcome to SnowCrash!


42 project which aims to introduce us to computer security.

SnowCrash is a CTF like project where you have to solve a challenge in order to get a flag to move on to the next level. There is a total of 15 levels (10 regular levels and 5 bonus levels).

It will test your knowledge in:

  • UNIX based systems
  • Different programming languages such as ASM, Perl, Lua, PHP
  • Network packet data analysis
  • Shell scripting

Of course since this is an introduction none of the exercises are too tricky, that being said some of them are a bit more challenging than others.


We heavily recommend using the following tools / commands:

  • GDB (Please take the time to learn how to use it, seriouly !)
  • ltrace
  • Wireshark
  • curl
  • netcat