
SnowCrash Mission: Flag00

Objective: Find and retrieve the Level01 token to advance in the SnowCrash game.

Searching for Files

To begin our mission, we must first locate the files owned by flag00 using the find command:

find / -user flag00 2>/dev/null

The next step involves deciphering a mysterious code found within one of the discovered files (/usr/sbin/john):

level00@SnowCrash:~$ cat /usr/sbin/john

Upon attempting to log in to flag00 using this code as a password, an "Authentication failure" occurs. It becomes evident that the password is encoded. Let's attempt a Caesar cipher decryption.

After experimenting with various shift values, we successfully decrypt the encoded text:

cdiiddwpgswtgt> nottoohardhere

Gaining Access

With the newfound password "nottoohardhere," we can now log in as flag00:

level00@SnowCrash:~$ su flag00
Password: nottoohardhere
Don't forget to launch getflag!

Obtaining the Level01 Token

We are now granted access to flag00's account. To progress further, we must execute the getflag command to retrieve the Level01 token:

flag00@SnowCrash:~$ getflag
***Check flag. Here is your token:*** `x24ti5gi3x0ol2eh4esiuxias`

With the Level01 token secured, we move on to level01.